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Making Room For Progress

Every year I make a vision board and every year I leave some blank space on it, on purpose, for the projects that I didn't see coming. This year was no exception.

I keep my vision board as the lock screen and home screen on my phone, so that it's always there and even if I'm not consciously looking at it I think it's still getting into my head.

The current one expresses my desire to have the time, money and space to be able to shine some light onto helping mid-life women (like me), do less with more... Less stuff with more time, slowing down in a positive way to get more out of life.

The gap was left, when I made the board last June (I plan the 12 months from July to June, more on that another time though), because I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to make that happen because I had a busy management job that was taking up most of my energy and headspace, I had a lack of funds, and honestly a lack of confidence (hello Imposter Syndrome).

So, I gave up the job that was sapping my energy, got a different, less hours and less stress job and did my level best to save some money.

With the headspace won back from no longer managing a shop and staff and the time won back from less working hours and less busy work (aka time wasting), I started getting my head doen to doing what I wanted to do, returning to writing.

I know I want to tell stories to inspire mid-life women to thrive by doing less with more:
* less things with more time
*less busy work and more stuff that matters
*Less convenience food and more cooking from scratch
*Less quantity, more quality

And so Snailing It (Snailing It | Sarah M Davies | Substack)

 was born, so that I can share slow living inspirations as I start to make the changes in my own life.

Progress isn't easy

I've given myself quite a job to do with a lot of learning, a lot of changes, and a lot of hard work to make it happen, but...

I'm buzzing! I'm feeling energised by the whole thing and I know that it's exactly what I should be doing, not just for myself, but for other women too.

I'm starting with my wardrobe

Which has been annoying me for some time. Too much stuff in it, most of which I don't wear/wouldn't wear any more. So I'm working on creating a capsule wardrobe. You can follow that journey on my Instagram (@fromsarahspen).

As I go off to decide on my spring wardrobe, what could you do to make room fro progress?